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作者:admin    素材来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2014/11/28

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Watch movies, learn English


Why we need to study English by watching movies?


As far as we are concerned, it is a good way to study English by watching movies.

众所周知,看电影是一种学习英语的好方法。加美女微信joke2259 你懂的

First of all, we can learn a lot from the English movies. There is lots of phonetic knowledge in a movie. In other words, while we're watching English movies, we are learning the phonetic skills. We also can pick up many words and sentences by watching English movies. At the same time, we can learn about the cultural background, which is good for us to learn English.


The second, watching English movies is funny, and we will be interested in it soon.And then we will fall in love with English.


The last but not the least, watching English movies is a good way to relax. When we watch the movies , we can calm ourselves down and make ourselves be in a good mood.


How to study English by watching movies?


Firstly,choose the English movies that we like and have the words in both English and Chinese. It is the wonderful movies which we like that can make ourselves keep on watching.

首先,选择我们喜欢的,有中英文字幕的英文电影,只有我们选对了我们喜欢的电影,我们才可能坚持看下去。加美女微信joke2259 你懂的

Secondly,look at the words and speak after the actors or actresses. Pay our attention to the phonetic skills. Such as, read through, weaken, stress and rhythm and so on. By this way,we can improve our pronunciation and intonation.

其次,看着台词,跟着演员说。注意那些语音技巧,诸如连读、弱化、重读和节奏等。通过这个方法, 我们可以改善我们的语音语调。

Thirdly,say the words without seeing the words. This is to check whether we have got the films and learned the English.


Besides,what I want to remind you is watching English movies one by one. What I mean is we should make sure that we really can understand the English movies that weare learning very well before we go to see the other movies. We should know the words that "He that begins many things, finishes but few".


And now, let's watch the English movies and learn English.


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