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作者:admin    素材来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2014/12/11

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1、《清秀佳人》 Anne of Green Gables

It's such a simple, charming story, it instantly calms me.

—Eliza K.


2、《麦田守望者》 The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye helped me cope with my dad's death.



The Catcher in the Rye helped me while I was deployed in Afghanistan.

—Jeremiah D.


3、《待到梦醒时分》 Waiting to Exhale

It may be about black women in their 30s in Arizona, but their loves and heartaches transcend every demographic.

—Megan A.


4、《魔戒》 The Lord of the Rings

When things get bad I just go dive into the pages of Tolkien and hide away in Middle Earth for a while.

—Kirbie A.



—Cristina P.

5、《挪威的森林》 Norwegian Wood


—Ethna C.

6、《伊甸之东》East of Eden

I read East of Eden when I was sick and in the hospital. It's always been one of my favorite books but I don't know how I would have made it through my time in the hospital without it.

— sierrao44a157429


7、《偷书贼》 The Book Thief

The Book Thief made me think that there are other people who suffer more than I did, and it sobered me up when I was being unreasonable and childish.

— 1pronquillopuhsd


8、《火星纪事》 The Martian Chronicles

There is just something so calming about his prose, and the sci-fi and futuristic elements just take me out of whatever I'm feeling and into some new world.

—Ruby L.


9、我的秘密城堡 I Capture the Castle

Dodie Smith made me remember the beauty and joy in nature and small things after I came out of a long depression.
—Áine F.

Dodie Smith让我从沮丧中走出,想起了自然和小事情中的美丽和快乐。

10、《哈利波特》 Harry Potter

Harry Potter helped me power through my mental breakdown.
— Nikki D.


I was so close to just killing myself and then I thought, what if I never know how Harry Potter ends?
— Brittanie R.


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